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Common Cold

Common Cold

Now everyone knows how annoying the onsite of a common cold is and usually runs it's course in about 7 to 10 days. But I have been cutting that time in half by about 3 days." This doesn't work for everyone it's just something you may want to try out".
Make sure you have plenty of Kleenex on hand, and drink a lot of water. A body needs at least 8-8oz. glasses of water per day to stay hydrated. (so drink up)

Granted you will still have to go threw the runny nose, sore throat,and then congestion and cough (sorry about that but a cold is a cold and needs to run it's course) but by the 3rd day you should feel a lot better.

1) Start taking vitamin C on the onsite of the runny nose and threw out the cold process.This can be purchased at any place that sells vitamins all you need is to take 1 500mg capsule a day.

2) Drink lots of tea with honey to ease sore throat issues. ( Ginger tea is good for colds) also if you are over the age of 21 you could try ginger brandy in a hot cup of tea but be prepared to go right to bed this might knock you out.

3) Vicks Vapor Rub  rub this on your chest and cover it up with a t-shirt, do this for at least 3 nights.
I know we have all heard of Vicks especially as kids our mothers used to use this on us to help us breath at night when our noses were all stuffed up. Well it's great for that!

( Note: Do not go outside with the vicks on your chest, wash it off before going outside).

 The vicks will make you breath easier the first night with your nose stuffing up, and then the cold will surface to your chest and the coughing and sore throat will start.  This is the path most colds take no one has been able to come up with a way to completely stop the course of a cold. but for me this method will have you feeling better in 3 days.
4) Get plenty of "Rest" this is the most important part.The reasoning behind this is who really wants to go out when they have a runny nose, they are tired from coughing and they just feel run down. I know sometimes it is beyond our control that we have to go out. There's work, bills and responsibilities but when you finally get home from a long day find time to go to bed early and rest.

I hope this works for you as it does for my family.

Stay tuned for more home remedies!

 "I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

        - E. B. White

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